The Kilcoyne Clan

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Random Updates


This is not the usual blog that I use, but I was told I was going to lose old posts if I did not update something today.  So here I am.  I am going to write something lol.  Then I will go to my usual blog and write something else.  OR, maybe I could just copy and paste, that sounds nice and easy. 

Life has been fun and exciting.  The kids have been busy with sports and getting ready for school to end.  We have been spending a lot of time at Grandma and Pop Pop's house swimming and visiting.  We have also been spending a lot of time with cousin's and extended family.  There have been Graduations happening and new adventures awaiting those who are moving onto their next chapters in life.  I wish everyone the best. 

New has always been something exciting to me, but old has always been comforting for me.  Our new neighbors and house is exciting and becoming comforting as well.  Our neighbors I should actually say are just comforting, loving, helpful, and friendly.  I could not feel more blessed.  I am sure you are all sick of me saying how great my neighbors are, but they really are.  Living in a place where you feel safe is important and healthy.  Inside the home it is important as well. 

My dad as many or all of you know was in the hospital for complications from his diabetes.  He is still not out of the woods and it has been a rough go.  We just continue to pray that he feels better and somehow his blood sugars get under control.  There is one word that describes diabetes for me TERRIFYING!!!!!!  Having it in the gene pool is not fun.  I still enjoy a sweet now and then and splurge at a party here and there, but otherwise I try to watch my carbs.  I do however need to keep up the exercise as well.  Just need more motivation for that.  My motivation for working out goes up and down.  Either I am totally into it or totally not.  Pretty annoying actually.

Buddy is almost 12 now and is doing great.  He is loving going to my parents house and living life.  My parents neighbor, ED, gives him hot dogs, and my mom gives him bread, I give him watermelon on melon.  He has the life I tell ya.  Which all I have to say to that is GOOD FOR HIM!!!  He deserves it.

Today Maggie and I were at the library and joined the reading club for the summer.  Jimmy and Maggie will both be in it and I am on my way to finding a good easy read and a new author I can enjoy as well.  Life gets to serious and sometimes, letting loose feels good. 

Rich has been traveling a lot these days and still more to come.  His schedule is unpredictable, but he loves what he is doing. 

Jimmy's main thing right now besides gymnastics is baseball.  He loves it.  Soccer just ended last weekend.  Maggie is also in gymnastics and starts ballet/jazz in 1.5 weeks.  She can't stop talking about it.  She will be going with her new friend Katelynn.  The best part about that is that Jimmy enjoys Katelynn's brother Brett and I enjoy Katelynn's mom, Kim.  It's a win, win.  The 4 kids will also be going to VBS together as well. 

Tomorrow is Jimmy's "More Day"  another word for "Field Day".  He is looking forward to it.  This will be his second one.  He had his first field day in preschool. 

Not much more to report.  Just working on becoming a better person and doing better things for our community and family everyday.  I like to think "Good People do Good Things!!!"  I want to be that motto not just say it.

I hope you are all doing well and hats off to a good start to a great summer!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Catching up on new things....

Hello!  It has been a mighty longtime since I last posted.  I am still around just super busy.  Here are some of the things that have been going on since I last posted....

We moved into our new house in Batavia, IL and unpacked for hopefully the last time for a very longtime.  Unpacking various houses in the last few years is just getting old.  It is nice to feel a bit more settled.  Being home in Illinois, and close to family and friends feels so good.  We have wonderful neighbors and feel very blessed for that.  Another thing that is great about where we moved is we have a lot of mature trees and many parks nearby for the kids to play.  Every nice day we have we are at the park playing.  The other positive is that Jimmy's school is just a few blocks away, so we can walk.  Maggie's school is within 5 minutes of our house which is nice as well.  I have met some great parents and the kids have made some great friends at both of their schools. 

The kids just finished up with their swim lessons and are ready for grandma's pool to open and the weather to be nice!  I must say I can't wait either.  Poolside at grandma's during the summers is the best.  Many memories are created there for our family.  Jimmy is also staying very busy with gymnastics, soccer and baseball.  Baseball and soccer overlap eachother for 2 games, but I think this is just the start for the future of playing more then one sport etc.  The coaches are nice and supportive of the kids and we LOVE watching him play and grow.  The other thing Jimmy loves is having neighbors his age to just pick up and play whenever.  We don't need to always have a "playdate", we can just play the old fashioned way.  Knock on the door and invite a friend to come over or play outside etc.

Maggie is into gymnastics and soccer.  She does well and has a blast at both.  She also plays with the Tball set we have and switch hits.  Sorry, proud mama moment and had to brag.  HA HA!  Maggie has made a lot of new friends this year at school and in the neighborhood as well.  I am very happy for her.  We are still meeting new friends, and trying to find more girls her age that live close.  Lots of boys on our street her age. We are also set for the next stage of the speech process for Maggie with the school district.  She has been evaluated privately and now we need her to get speech through the school district.  She has made it through the screening so far and is now going to the next level which is an evaluation.  We just need to wait for the phone call to set up her evaluation.  I am very anxious.  She is so smart and has so much to say, it is just hard for her to get it all out clearly etc.  So keep in your prayers that Maggie gets speech through the school district.  Maggie is also very much wanting me to sign her up for Ballet.  She says "Mommy, I want to sign up for Ballet and learn how to spin."  LOL too cute.  She is eager to try new things and I love that part about her.  She is my free spirit.

Rich is doing well with work and super busy.  He has been doing a lot of traveling to Michigan and just enjoyed his last trip up Michigan's U.P. for some investigative work.  Very interesting things he is learing about one of his properties.  He also won some money at the casino and treated us all out for sushi.  Yummy.  Anyone who knows us, knows sushi is a big hit in our family.  Rich's half brother Patrick is also graduating this weekend in New Hampshire we are proud of him.  We also got to have Rich's half sister Kate visit us for Easter and Maggie's 4th Birthday!  We had a lot of fun seeing her, and Maggie is in love with her Aunt Kate.  Having Kate go to school in Madison, Wisconsin is nice.   We are just a hop, skip and a jump away. 

We have to include Buddy.  He is happy and shaved for the Spring.  He has also made some neighborhood friends as well.  Hee Hee. 

As for me.  I have joined the Batavia Mother's Club which I really enjoy so far.  It is nice to meet a new group of moms and friends.  Two of my neighbors are in it as well which is nice.  I also enjoy going monthly to Gourmet which is where all the neighbors get together to enjoy appetizers, dessert and some drinks once a month.  It is adults only so, it's great for Rich and I to get date night.  I also joined a Bible Study at my neighbors house.  It is a group of women from all different denominations which is what I like that gets together on Sunday nights.  Another great way for me to get to know the neighbors more.  Going to all the kids sports is a lot of fun as well, it's fun to watch them grow and for me to meet new people at the sametime.  We are also getting back to a Sunday routine of going to church etc.  This summer there is going to be a lot of fun things to do.  We have the Aboredum, Children's Museum, Zoo, Pools, Parks, and Museums, all in less then an hour from our house.  Then there is visists to the beach either in Chicago on Lake Michigan or a local beach in Wisconsin.  We enjoy Lake Geneva the most.  Summer brings friends, neighbors, and family closer and I am really looking forward to that more then anything. 

I am done blabbing your ears off now and hope you are all doing well.  I would love to hear from anyone reading to see how you are doing.  Miss all of our friends in TX and the ones I have not seen yet in IL.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Jimmy and Maggie

Well since my last post Jimmy had had his tonsils, adenoids, and a ear tube removed and patched.  Poor little guy is in so much pain and having trouble eating and talking.  I look forward to him feeling himself again and life getting back to normal.    Also for Jimmy to enjoy his food again as well. 

Maggie went  to soccer today and loved it.  I am so glad that she loves soccer and gymnastics.  She is also super cuddly and a lot of fun these days.  But don't worry she still has her 3 yr old sass to go wtih all of it.  Which is what we love about her.  She is a crack up.

As for me.    I am exhausted and ready to move into our new house and to feel and to actually be settled.  Ahhhh just to think about it. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Random things and Many changes.....

Well let's see....We have...

1. Had the Blizzard of 2011 enough said... lol

2. Moved from TX to IL

3. Bought a home in Batavia

4. Are adopting a new dog named Big Fuz or Doc Fuz..... He was pre named...

5. Buddy is loving Uncle Michael time, but we know how much Bud and Fuz are going to love one another

6. Christmas has come and gone and it was too fast but we had a blast.

7. 2010 was gone and 2011 has begun.

8. I have joined Weight Watchers and struggle with dieting during the winter, but pray it gets better and I become more focused.

9. Both Maggie and Jimmy are in Gymnastics and love.

10. Jimmy and Maggie are also in soccer which is great for them as well. They are super happy kiddos right now

11. Jimmy and Maggie along with me have made some great new friends since moving. Batavia is a super friendly town.

12. Our new neighbor I knew in high school and am so lucky to live next door to. She has 3 kids and 2 of them are the ages of Jimmy and Maggie. I also have my OB nurse living a few doors down. What are the chances of that? I can't wait to continue to meet new neighbors.

13. The old home owners are very nice and honest people who have been in touch with Rich and I which is a blessing.

14. I am learning more about myself as a whole and embracing every new thing that I learn every day.

15. I have also joined Lifetime Fitness along with the family. The kids love going and Rich is taking Maggie to a special Daddy Daughter Dance there. Maggie is thrilled. She will be treated like a princess all night.

16. Jimmy has been sick and needs his tonsils out sometime in the next week. Poor guy, he is just miserable with it.

17. Becky is having a bump in the road right now, which makes me said, but just makes me want to pray more and ask for more prayers. Here's for a shout out for Becky for healing, for Eric to be her rock, and for Kylynn to keep Becky laughing every day.

18. My dad has been having his ups and downs which is hard for him, so I just continue to pray.

19. My mom had a serious dissection in her corroded artery for the past few years and somehow, a gift from God, it is GONE. GREAT NEWS!!!

20. Rich has been busy with work, but doing well. We are both very anxious to get into our new house. We just need the painting to be finished throughout the house and all of the carpet to be taken out and new carpet to be put back in. Super exciting stuff. It is a great move in the right direction.

21. The most important.... God is on our side, and has helped us through a lot in the past two years with health, and many more things. Thank you for all you do for us.

22. Now...the finale…. I am going to bed LOL. I am exhausted and miss you all tons and love you all lots.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Everyone has a Passion....

Everyone has a passion in life, what is yours?  Besides your family and friends that is....

 Well, my passion is animals, and helping people whom are unable to help themselves and need passion and compassion.

With that being said above, I feel that animals are the single most wonderful creatures in our world.  Especially our pets, and others pets as well.  When I see a pet, I see a genuine soul, true love, and companionship.    I speak mostly of dogs, due to my experience and love for my own two labs.  Buddy and Daisy.  My life would never be the same or so feel so rich because of them.  They know when I am sad, happy, depressd, mellow and chilled out, nervous, or needing a little extra lovin.  They are the best.  Animals love you no matter what.  They can not talk, so they live by our emotions and we live by theirs.  The love they give is amazing.  They make me laugh out loud, feel good when I don't by letting me just pet them and be by them.  Just lay still.  Even when they are in the worst or most painful moments of their lives, they just want to give all they can to make you happy and let you know how much they love you. 

This past week when Daisy was sick I would sleep by her side, same would Rich.  We just pet her, loved her, prayed over her, and for her.  I could not imagine not being at her side during her hardest time she has had in her life so far.  We thought we had to put her down, the papers were signed and all.  Then there was a change of heart due to our most wonderful vet in the world.  Dr Baker.  I respect and look up to this man like no other.  She is honest, passionate and compassionate.  Cool, calm and collect.  Just what we needed. 

Many of people may have thought that Rich and I were out of our minds to drive our dog to IL, and fly the kids and I up north to my parents house to what we thought was to put our precious dog to rest.  Well, how could we not.  She has been there unconditionally for us through everything.  Moving to different houses, out of state, me having my surgeries she would jump gently on the bed, lay by me and not leave my side.  Just be there for me for whatever I needed.  She just asked for love, food, water and a yard to use the bathroom.  She lays by the kids doors when Rich is out of town, or in their rooms, even in front of the front door, just to be sure everyone and everything is ok.  She does nothing but protect us from any sort of danger. 

It is truly amazing what one dog will do for a family member or for eachother.  While Daisy was stuck on the stairs the other day and my mom was upstairs and I was in our basement with friends playing with the kids.  Buddy would just keep barking and barking on and on and on.  Louder, more serious and blubbering.  Back and forth at my mom and the basement door.  So, my mom then yells for me, in a panic.  Daisy was stuck on the stairs scared to death.  She was trying to come down by the kids.  When there is a baby around she does not leave their side no matter where we are.  That is just Daisy.  Anyway.  My point.  Buddy was trying to tell my mom that something was very wrong and he was absolutely right and it was just amazing that he did that for her.  I had to carry her up the stairs and listen to her yelp and cry.  She was scared and hurt, but was going to be ok.  Buddy then just gave her a lick, me a lick, and walked and laid down by his sister.

So, this is why I have a passion for animals.  They are amazing.  They are nothing by the best.  All they want in return is the same love and respect and just to be there for them.  They can't walk and don't understand why their bodies are sick and don't know what to do and are embarrassed, this is when they count on us to tell them that everything is going to be ok, lay by them and pet them.  Simply love them.

What is your passion?  I know what mine is.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fall in Katy, TX 2010

Let's see...

Things have been interesting.  We went from our first love, Illinois, back to Katy, TX.  We have grown to like it, but still our hearts are in IL.

Jimmy and Maggie's school are above and beyond anything I could have dreamed of for my kids.  HONEST!  Jimmy's teacher perfects the word " PERFECT Kindergarten Teacher".  We really love her, Jimmy has a smile on his face everyday after school.  She also puts a huge smile on my face after leaving when I volunteer at his school every week.  I never in a million years thought I would love volunteering at a school so much until this year.  Being involved with my kids and their lives has become somewhat of a passion.  I just enjoying knowing the kids he hangs with, the people that are teaching my child and seeing the walls of the school he walks into from 820 am - 340 pm daily.  That is a long day.  If Jimmy is so happy after such a long day.  I want to see what the buzz is all about lol.  Well, I did.

Maggie's school is wonderful as always.  She is still at the same school as last year, and I can't say enough about it.  She learns so much, has a blast, and has made some great friends.  I have made some great mama friends here too, whom will become my friends for a lifetime.  They have been here for me through thick and thin.  For those of you who know me I have a pretty intense life sometimes.  So, thank you for being there for me in the good and bad.

Buddy and Daisy had a BLAST in IL, and have been ok after being back in TX.  I know they would rather be by extended family as well lol.  Daisy this past few week has been declining in her health which has been gut wrenching for me to say the very least.  We found out that she has a disease called lumbarsacaral disease.  Which is a large build up of calcium on the end of her back bone which is trying to connect itself to her pelvic bone.  It is also the bone that serves the bones to her nerves.  She has been in a great deal of pain but we have her on some great meds.  After 6 days of the meds we are slowly seeing her get better.  I hope and pray for her to get better and better everyday.  With me walking around with puffy eyes and exhausted, it's tough.  Buddy is the usual Mayor McCheese of the town. 

Rich is super busy with work and traveling all over the world lately.  From TX to IL to MI to South Africa.  Don't forget LA, NJ, NY, and IN.  We miss him a lot, but sometimes.  It is what it is.  He is employed and we are happy and thankful for that.  He is also cooking up some awesome meals on the weekends which we all enjoy.

Not much new with me.  Just trying to keep our home as comfy and on schedule as possible.  I also have been enjoying a class at the YMCA called Zumba and walking/running at the Cinco Ranch Beach Club.  It is very peaceful and beautiful.  Zumba, well, it is just fun, to see me dance without alcohol and not at a wedding, purely hilarious.  But, WHO CARES, right lol.  I have also really been getting into the new show "Chase".  It is on Monday nights.  It is also based in Houston.  LOL, who knew. 

My mom also just came for a long weekend visit to Katy.  Maggie did not leave her side, and had a hardtime with her leaving.  We went to the Houston Zoo, rode the choo choo that brings you around Memorial Hermann Park.  I think that is the name of it.  It's right outside of the Medical District in Houston.  We also went to movie night at Crosspoint and saw The Lion King.  A first for my kids.  They liked it but were scared of it too.  My mom and I got to spend a day shopping.  She took me out for my belated bday and I LOVED IT!!!!!  Then on Monday my mom and I took the kids to the Rainforest Cafe.  Talk about seeing the kids in HEAVEN!  It was adorable.

Now life is back to our reg routine, except for us all being sad and dealing with Daisy.  Maggie will be Sleeping Beauty for Halloween and Jimmy Luke Skywalker.  He is VERY into Lego's and building things.  He also loves the Trio little engineer and artist.... He also LOVES to create new things on paper.  Maggie is just loving play dough, coloring, and dressing up.

I hope all is well with everyone.  Miss y' I say now.  It is easier to type, and I have to pick up something form Texas right?  I will NEVER pick up soda....  Not in TX or NJ.  I refuse.  HAHAHAHAHAH  

Monday, July 26, 2010

Things on my mind......

Today the kids, my mom and I saw Despicable Me and it was cute.  The kids had a great time and were glued to the movie screen.  LOL.   Of course eating their popcorn too.  Then it was off to Caputo's for some delicious and fresh lunch meat, homemade cheese, fruits, veggies etc.  The kids are now napping.  I have some minor errands to run in about an hour and a date with one of my BEST adult friends in the world.  Susan.  Many do not know here, but she is one of my bff's that I have met as an adult, so she does not hang with my other friends and I. 

Last Friday Jimmy had his first official successful sleep over at his friends house.  Patrick and Andrew, they are all great kids and their family is one of our VERY close family friends since Rich and I moved to IL from NJ over 8 yrs ago.  Friday we are going out with our other good friends.  My friend Michelle is playing hooky from work and her two girls who are the same ages as mine....We are going to the Children's Museum in Naperville, swimming etc. 

This past Saturday night we had a DELICIOUS family dinner at Wildfire with my parents, brother, GG and us.  We had celebrated Michael and my bdays.  Then I was off to my friend Michelle's house to hang and LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH for 4 hours.  One of the very best laughs I have had in I can't remember how long.  Eyes watering, stomach hurting, coughing for air, and exhausted when I was done.  The kind of laughing that when you go home and days later are still laughing about the story you shared together. 

Earlier in the summer Rich, Jimmy, Paul, Andrew and Patrick had the annual boys sleep over on the Laskosz's boat.  They are docked at the Abby in Lake Geneva.  I also got to enjoy time with Laura having some drinks, and eating some great Mexican food.  Sharing stories, laughing and sharing heart felt stories as well.  I don't know what I would do without Laura.  She is one of the sweetest warmest people I know....  LOL, kind of like a fresh Krispy Kreme Donut.  YA never forget it.  EVER.

Then there was the day with the Cano's.  Lourdes came over with the kiddos for us to go swimming, eat great food made by my mom and I enjoyed meeting her son.  Lo and I also took the dogs and the kids to explore Pop Pop's garden, and to check out the lake.  The dogs went for a dip and Buddy looked like a lazy hippo after awhile lol.  One thing Lourdes and I have.......  We have know one another since 1st grade.  I sat in front of her in class.  We sat in my room talking and reading magazines like we have known each other and doing the same things we have done since grade school.   Cackling at old stories....  SO MANY GREAT STORIES.

Then there was visiting the Gatto's.  Jimmy still can't stop talking about wanting to play hockey again like Dominick.  He thinks Dommy is one of the most talented kids he has ever met.  So cute and sweet.  In fact, he just asked me again today when we are going to go to one of Dominick's hockey games....  Hopefully this week if they are still playing.  Jimmy really looks up to Dommy.  Dommy's twin sister Delaney is like a guardian angel to Maggie.  She plays with her, is patient with her and dresses her up. Then there is John Patrick and Joey.  AKA batch #2.  Her second set of twins.  SO CUTE and SO sweet.  They are a TRIP to watch.  They are Colleen's extra legs and arms.  I of course get to have total comfort hanging out with Colleen, their mommy, an my old college roommate.  We have a million stories, and a million memories until this day.  Kid stories, family stories, and stories of being crazy and fancy free in college. 

I have so many more stories that I will tell about our trip.  Seeing the Gassmann's, Mikec's, Wadington's, my cousin's, and many more others.  In the mean time...  My dad is doing ok from his last stroke in the beginning of July.  Good and bad days.  I worry about him.  Rich is super busy with work, but got to enjoy some time with his friends as well.

ME....I dread going back to TX.  NOT because of any other reason then that I will miss my family and friends in IL, worry about my dad, and the life I have here.  I have met some of the most wonderful friends in Katy, I don't want to sell that short at all.  TX is just not for me, I just don't feel like it is home.